Need of the critical thinking

Why we need critical thinking

Critical thinking is an essential skill for learning and personal growth.  By engaging in critical thinking, students can better understand the world around them, make informed decisions, and develop their own ideas and perspectives.

Competencies employers expect from graduates

  •     Effective verbal communication
  •     Sound IT literacy
  •     Teamwork and effective working with them

Employability skills gaps

  •     Effective verbal communication   
  •     Problem-solving
  •     Creative and innovation

There are Controversy points in Critical thinking 

  •     The debate between "Generalists" and "Specifists"
        Generalists: critical thinking can be distilled down to a finite set of constitutive skills, ones that can                    be learned in a systematic way and have applicability across all academic disciplines
        Specifics: critical thinking … is always contextual and intimately tied to the particular subject                           matter with which one is concerned
Therefore we must learn about the content and have encouragement about the process to develop this aspect

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy structure describes a range of mental capacities and educational objectives. This framework was created by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom in the 1950s, and a group of educators modified it in the 2000s. Six tiers of learning objectives are included in the taxonomy, which is structured hierarchically from lower-level to higher-order thinking capabilities. Following are Bloom's Taxonomy's six levels:

What is critical thinking

Self-directed and self-disciplined thinking, such as critical thinking, aims to provide the best possible reasoning that is fair and unbiased. People who practice critical thinking make an effort to approach their lives and decisions in a reasoned, reasonable, and empathic manner.

Characteristics of Critical Thinking

Active listening         :    Good communicators are active listeners
Being cusrious           :   Curiosity makes our brains active
Being Desciplined     :    To be critical means to carefully examine and assess information or arguments                                         in a methodical and rational way to arrive at a logical and well-founded                                                     conclusion or decision.
Being Humble            :    To be humble is to hold a humble and unassuming opinion of oneself, and to                                             display deference and gratitude towards others.


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